Keep up with the latest sports news, football scores, and live results and updates so you don’t miss a second of the action.701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-0703, U.S.A,Yahoo Fantasy Sports - Football, Baseball & More,CBS Sports App - Scores, News, Stats & Watch Live,theScore: Live Sports Scores, News, Stats & Videos,Football NFL Live Scores, Stats, Schedules & Draft,Sports Alerts - real-time scores, stats & odds,Bleacher Report: sports news, scores, & highlights,Cookies help us deliver our services. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. 波士頓塞爾提克今天以92:87擊敗多倫多暴龍,次輪季後賽以4:3晉級,在東區決賽將對陣邁阿密熱火。 If you click on a game and then go back to the list of all of the games for that night, there is an annoying glitch that moves the page so you end up clicking the wrong thing and you have to wait for the ad to pop up to be sure to avoid the mistake again. The ad that pops up at the top of the screen pushes everything down, but it pops up delayed, causing the whole screen to move down. The layout is worse than before and there is no longer smooth navigation through the app. The box scores are lacking some stats, like turnovers in basketball for example while the old version included them. When you click on a team’s schedule, the app doesn’t separate preseason/spring training games from regular season games. Load up the field on your coffee table, select a play, then scale and control the angle you want to enjoy over and over again!The Yahoo Sports app has always been my favorite sports app to use due to its clean and simple design, ease of use and navigate. Make Apple Watch app! Apple TV.English, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese.Get all of your passes, tickets, cards, and more in one place.With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app. Up-to-date NBA news, scores, standings, stats, photos & videos on MSN Sports The Yahoo Sports app has always been my favorite sports app to use due to its clean and simple design, ease of use and navigate. It also doesn’t show if it is the top or bottom of the inning. 【Now Sports】火箭在NBA西岸季後賽出局後,教練迪安東尼決定離開。迪安東尼(Mike D'Antoni)跟火箭的合約即將完結,婉拒了續約,來季不會回歸。他在聲明中表示:「我和妻子Laurel懷着極大的悲痛和感激之情宣佈,我們在侯斯頓的不可思議之旅已經結束。 nba/上次交手詹皇還在 熱火和塞隊東決再上演經典對決. Latest sports news and live scores from Yahoo Sports UK. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Watch live sports, including NFL games on Yahoo Sports. I use it exclusively for NBA, as that’s the only sport I follow or care about. Soccer games are not included with the tv information, which is a bummer. No Yahoo email required!#1 Rated App for Fantasy Football, Baseball, Basketball, Daily Fantasy & More.CBS Sports is the #1 source for the top sports news, scores, videos and more!Scores, news, stats, videos for NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, EPL, PGA, MMA, NCAA and more,Lightning fast NFL scores, live plays, real-time stats, & football playoff games,LIVE, FAST scores, stats and alerts for MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA and more,Sports news, scores, & highlights for NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, NCAA & more. The app simply isn’t enjoyable to use anymore.Thanks for the feedback. Watch live local and primetime NFL games on your phone or tablet. Fav sports app. This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV.Free Live Football! We have Free Live Football! Watch live local and primetime NFL games for free on your phone.Get a closer look into top NFL plays with PlayAR - the immersive way to watch key moments in augmented reality (AR) using just your phone's camera. I use it exclusively for NBA, as that’s the only sport I follow or care about. It also doesn’t show if a baseball game went into extra innings before you click on it. There are many little things that add up, making this version a lot worse than before. They have been great about updating and adding features as needed over the years.Yahoo should have just stayed with the old design. Keep up with the latest sports news, football scores, and live results and updates so you don’t miss a second of the action. Looks like I’ll be moving to espn. Complete sport coverage with football results, cricket scores, F1, golf, rugby, tennis and more. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies,Yahoo Sports - Get scores & watch live NFL games.NFL is nearly here and we're excited to bring you the best place to watch the games and follow the scores.By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments.Works with Gmail, Outlook and AOL. Watch live sports, including NFL games on Yahoo Sports. Certain Data by Stats Perform. They have been great about updating and … 【Now Sports】周日NBA西岸決賽第2場,湖人憑安東尼戴維斯轟入壓哨3分,以105:103險勝金塊,場數領先至2:0。勒邦占士在第1節手感火熱,7射5中下取得12分,湖人確立了領先優勢。紫金兵團一直佔優,更曾領先16分。金塊在第3節開始發力,更在第4節甫開始就在謝武梅利的帶動下,打出一段9:4的攻勢,反超前87:86。 丹尼格連、朗度隨即先後回敬3分,湖人打斷了金塊的後上氣勢。不過,金塊在季後賽對上兩圈都反勝對手,絕對有打不死的精神,一直咬緊比分。 最後階段演變成中鋒大戰,祖傑連轟9分,安東尼戴維斯(Anthony Davis)同樣神勇,雙方一人一球。餘下20.8秒,祖傑攻入個人第30分,金塊再度領先,但最終全場拿下31分的AD轟入壓哨3分,湖人以105:103絕殺金塊。更多now.com體育新聞及英超、西甲精華,請按此,【Now Sports】公鹿球星顏迪杜宮普榮膺今季常規賽MVP,不過湖人教練禾高就認為麾下球星勒邦占士才是真正的MVP。NBA常規賽MVP結果在美國時間周五出爐,公鹿球星顏迪杜宮普在體育記者及賽評手中拿下85張第一名選票,連續兩年贏得常規賽MVP的榮譽。相較於字母哥,湖人球星勒邦占士(LeBron James)只取得16張首名選票,教練禾高(Frank Vogel)就為大帝抱不平。 「我並非不尊重顏迪杜宮普,他擁有出色的一季,也是出色的球員,但勒邦占士對球隊的貢獻也是無人能及。占士往往受盡制肘都可以獨取40分,又有領先聯盟的助攻和防守數據,同時亦帶領球隊不斷獲勝。對我來說,他才是真正的MVP」禾高表示。 勒邦占士職業生涯曾四度贏得常規賽MVP,雖然今季無緣這個個人獎項,但他也超越米高佐敦,已經有11季入選常規賽MVP的前三甲,不過禾高也明確指出目前有比MVP更重要的事情:「我們整個團隊都明白MVP的投票機制,而且我也肯定占士清楚知道,現時應該專注更重要的比賽,多於個人獎項。」更多now.com體育新聞及英超、西甲精華,請按此,【體路專訊】湖人前中鋒加素(Pau Gasol)的妻子Cat周日順利誕下女兒,兩人將自己的囡囡命名為Elisabet Gianna Gasol,以紀念已故摯友高比拜仁(Kobe Bryant),以及向拜仁的家人致敬;拜仁的二女兒Gianna在今年初的一宗直昇機意外當中,與父親及另外7人不幸辭世。 加素在囡囡出生後於個人Instagram發文寫道:「我們的小女孩終於來到世上了,生產過程順利,我倆都非常開心!Elisabet Gianna Gasol對我們這位非常漂亮的女孩來說是個非常有意思的名字!」加素在文末更附上girldad的hashtag,喜悅之情溢於言表。 拜仁的妻子Vanessa隨後亦在自己的Instagram發文,寫上「我的教女出生了!」,加素之後留言說:「我們愛你!你會是Ellie Gianna最棒的教母。」 加素與已故的拜仁在2008至2014年間一同效力湖人,曾一同贏得兩次NBA總冠軍,兩人交情要好,即使加素之後轉投公牛,亦絲毫無損兩人的友情。拜仁及其女兒在今年初意外身故後,加素亦一直繼續支持及陪伴在Vanessa和她另外3位女兒身邊,眾人上月就曾經一同在三藩市附近「遊船河」。 去年離開公鹿後未有再落班的加素亦曾經在今年5月談及其亡友,他說:「我們之間有著很好的聯繫,這是很明顯的,拜仁將永遠以某種程度,和不同的方式與我和我們所有人在一起。」 資料來源:綜合外媒此篇文章由「體路 Sportsroad」最初發表於「【籃球】加素有愛 以初生女名字向拜仁家人致敬」,zeroUV - Retro Round Sunglasses for Men Women with.Yahoo Sports - NBC Sports Network. We'll continue to refine the design over time.The layout is easy and quick, has enough articles to keep me entertained, and the BIGGEST plus is that it's the only sports app I've found that shows what station a game is being played. That actually is the biggest separator between other apps.Requires iOS 11.0 or later.