[51] He also carried a folding lightsaber pike,[7] a thick and imposing double-bladed weapon that produced a distinctive yellow blade. After dining with Commandant Brendol Hux and the cadets in the Academy's banquet hall, the Inquisitor summoned Cadet Leonis for a private meeting at the Commandant's balcony. [9], Vader then tasked the Inquisitor with hunting down and eliminating any Jedi who had survived Order 66,[1] the order given to the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to destroy the Jedi Order. Separated by a number of closed doors, the Inquisitor sliced through them with his lightsaber and arrived in time to see the rebels beginning to escape. Il servit l'Ordre en rejoignant les Gardes du Temple Jedi,[5] un groupe de Jedi chargé de défendre le Temple Jedi sur Coruscant.[9]. Throughout the meeting, the Inquisitor made every effort to probe Leonis' thoughts.[34]. The Imperial authorities attempted to cover up her kidnapping by claiming that she had run away from the Academy. [34], Following Leonis' raid on a group of smugglers, the Inquisitor and Captain Piers Roddance summoned Zare for a private meeting. Sa mort surprit beaucoup, tant les autres Inquisiteurs que l'Empereur Palpatine. In addition, the Inquisitor wanted to ascertain whether Zare was actually Force-sensitive as he had claimed earlier. In response, Leonis feigned ignorance but the Inquisitor could see that he was trying to hide something. This time, however, Kanan proved a much more effective foe, and he gradually started to drive the Inquisitor back, the latter of whom began to show fear and uncertainty for the first time. Once finished, remove this notice. Au cours de sa vie, il intégra les rangs de l'Ordre Jedi où il devint un Chevalier Jedi. While hiding his collaboration with Morgan, Leonis pretended to support the Inquisitor's assessment that something was not right about Morgan. The fight was then stopped by the Emperor, who explained to Lord Vader who the Inquisitor and the Inquisitorius were. Du temps de la République Galactique il était un Garde du Temple Jedi, mais lorsque l'Empire arriva il passa du Côté Obscur et rejoint l'Inquisitorius pour participer à la Purge Jedi. The events with Barriss and Ahsoka left the future Grand Inquisitor feeling disaffected, and he lost faith in the Jedi Order. The two engaged in a duel that saw the young Skywalker come out victorious. Le Seigneur des Anneaux JCE; La Légende des 5 Anneaux JCE; Le Trône de Fer JCE; Star Wars : Destiny ; Star Wars JCE ; Android : Netrunner JCE ; Warhammer 40k Conquest JCE ; Dice Masters ; Figurines. Free Christmas Tree Plate with $200 purchase available November 25 - December 25, or while supplies last. After Yeleb collapsed onto the floor, the Inquisitor took Yeleb's lightsaber and Jarrus fled from the Inquisitor to draw him away from the wounded human. La jeune Togruta fut forcée de s'enfuir jusque dans les bas-fonds de Coruscant où elle fut capturée. L'Inquisiteur fut ravi à l'idée de s'emparer du savoir auquel Jocasta Nu, la bibliothécaire en chef, lui avait toujours refusé l'accès. Ne tenant plus de le voir maltraiter les connaissances Jedi des archives, l'ancienne bibliothécaire ne put résister et attaqua le Grand Inquisiteur.[14]. Browse sets from all scenes of the hit saga here The Dark Lord installed his servant into a High Republic Era Jedi outpost on Tempes, hoping that anyone seeking knowledge from the place would be caught in his trap. The Inquisitor and his forces were greeted by the protector of the village, Yeleb, who lied to the Inquisitor that he had not seen Jarrus in their village; however, the Inquisitor could see through the protector's lies, and when Yeleb ordered the Imperials to leave, the Pau'an ordered his stormtroopers to destroy the village.[32]. Sensing Leonis' true motivations for joining the Imperial Academy, the Inquisitor patronized Leonis by asking "who could doubt the commitment of such a promising young cadet." He possessed enough telekinetic power to push Kanan Jarrus clear across a hall and throw his lightsaber with lethal precision. [52] As a Pau'an, he wore coverings to protect his hypersensitive ears. With their primary agent on Lothal dead and a growing rebellion in the galaxy, the Empire sent out a far deadlier agent to Lothal to root out and destroy the rebels: Darth Vader. [2] Au cours de sa vie, il intégra les rangs de l'Ordre Jedi où il devint un Chevalier Jedi. He then went back to his ship and instructed his agents to set a course back to base and to inform Darth Vader that they had found evidence of another survivor—who was, in fact, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker's former Padawan. The Grand Inquisitor lets go of the platform and falls into the Sovereign's exploding reactor. Peu après, Cumberlayne Aresko signala à l'Inquisiteur que deux cadets Impériaux sur Lothal étaient susceptibles d'être sensibles à la Force, il s'agissait de Dev Morgan et de Jai Kell. Species Once again, the Inquisitor and the Jedi fought, with the former noticing that Jarrus had improved his technique. [13] Si le Grand Inquisiteur servit Sidious, il n'était pas pour autant un Sith. [7] After his fall, the Grand Inquisitor's sclerae and pupils turned black and his irises became yellow with red rims. Featured in our Top Gifts Edit. [11] The future Grand Inquisitor was one of the guardsmen who led Tano from the Jedi Temple,[14] and she was ultimately brought to trial before Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The Inquisitor quickly deduced that Leonis was Dhara's younger brother. Male[1] The unmistakable profile of Darth Vader and Le Creuset's ringed branding join forces on the lid of this Cast Iron Round Casserole. Intimidated by the Inquisitor, Zare turned away from the Pau'an's gaze, prompting the Inquisitor to ask the cadet to make eye contact with him. [5], The Grand Inquisitor was created as one of the primary antagonists of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. [56], On October 28, 2015, Filoni revealed that the Grand Inquisitor appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, although the audience didn't know it. Quand les rebelles qu'ils pourchassaient mirent au point un plan pour prendre le contrôle de la tour de communication impériale, il participa à l'opération visant à les capturer. Directed by J.J. Abrams. L'Inquisiteur / Le Grand Inquisiteur C'est un Pau'an ayant un sabre laser à deux lames. Quatre ans avant la bataille de Yavin il affronta le Jedi Kanan Jarrus et son apprenti Ezra Bridger, dans un duel qui le mena à sa mort. Vader ordered the Inquisitor to hunt these individuals down and either make them serve the Empire or destroy them, along with any Jedi survivors who could train them. [5], In another part of the galaxy, Vader sensed the skirmish on Tempes and ordered the crew of his shuttle to bring him there. The Grand Inquisitor's spirit haunted Tempes. Naissance Les deux parties du sabre tombèrent dans le réacteur en contrebas et causèrent un début de surchauffe. [13] Although the true culprit was Padawan Barriss Offee, who believed that the Jedi Order had lost its way and were the true villains in the war against the Confederacy, she framed her friend and fellow Padawan Ahsoka Tano for the crime. The Inquisitor waited for them and ignited his lightsaber. The Pau'an male who would one day become the Grand Inquisitor hailed from the planet Utapau,[1] where he was born over fifteen years prior to the Invasion of Naboo. Here his spirit remained, killing all those who sought Jedi knowledge. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. As a spirit, the Inquisitor was able to float above the ground and interact physically with his surroundings,[5] similar to the light side's Force spirits. The Inquisitor merely replied that he should ask Commandant Aresko. As a Jedi, he served in the Jedi Temple Guard,[7] a group of Jedi tasked with defending the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Condition: New. Position When designing the character, who is voiced by actor Jason Isaacs,[45] the look and species went through several iterations and was a topic of much discussion at Lucasfilm. Il réussit à entrer en connexion avec un énorme fyrnock vieux et blessé qu'il envoya à l'attaque, avant de s'écrouler au sol épuisé par cette utilisation excessive de la Force. Le Grand Inquisiteur, dont le nom était inconnu, traqua Kanan Jarrus et son apprenti Ezra Bridger jusqu’à leur affrontement sur Mustafar. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. He also dismissed the rumors that a Jedi was leading the rebels, claiming that all the Jedi had died during the Purge and that he knew because he had witnessed it. [57] The episode "Shroud of Darkness" revealed that the Inquisitor was once a Jedi Temple Guard and a Jedi Knight. He claimed that he could somehow sense that there was something wrong with Dev and Jai and that they were hiding something. The Grand Inquisitor was once a Jedi Temple Guard and was involved in the events surrounding the bombing of the Jedi Temple during the Clone Wars, arresting the innocent and later exonerated Padawan Ahsoka Tano as well as the true culprit, Barriss Offee. Il fut toutefois stoppé par l'arrivée inopinée de Dark Vador qui l'attaqua sans sommation. The Grand Inquisitor fights Kanan Jarrus. Le signal les emmena vers un champ d'astéroïdes. [15] At the end of the war, the Supreme Chancellor—secretly Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith—transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire and declared himself Emperor of the galaxy. [1] The production team wanted to ensure that the character was not a carbon copy of past iconic villains such as Darth Maul or Darth Vader. This allowed him to skillfully execute the Jedi he encountered. Product code: 81324001. They entered the cell and saw a projected image of Unduli, which faded into a sarcophagus that revealed the remains of the Jedi Master. Two iconic brands meet with the Star Wars and Le Creuset range of cookware and kitchen accessories. Devant l'absence de réponse de celui-ci ("C'est vrai qu'il possède la volonté d'un Jedi de l'ancien temps", Tarkin), le Grand Moff décida de partir pour Mustafar, avec son prisonnier à son bord. The Grand Inquisitor speaks to Zare Leonis. The Pau'an Jedi became a hunter of Jedi and servant of the Sith. En y arrivant, une navette de classe Sentinelle se sépara du Relentless pour rejoindre le fort Anaxes, avec l'Inquisiteur et des Stormtroopers. 80 kilograms[6] Une fois les deux individus entrés dans la cellule, l'Inquisiteur s'enferma avec eux pour les combattre ; le combat commença avec Kanan Jarrus qui se défendit en utilisant la forme III qu'utilisait aussi son maître, Depa Billaba, tandis que le jeune Ezra Bridger fit exploser la porte de la cellule. [28], Upon his arrival at the Imperial Academy, Aresko and Agent Kallus informed him of Bridger and Kell's escape. Le futur Grand Inquisiteur fut l'un des Gardes du Temple Jedi qui amena Barriss Offee devant le Chancelier Palpatine. The Inquisitor was able to correctly deduce that Jarrus had been trained by Jedi Master Depa Billaba, as she had been a teacher of Form III lightsaber combat in close-quarter fighting, which Jarrus employed extensively. Profitant de la confusion, les rebelles embarquent dans le Phantom et s'enfuient en détruisant la navette Impériale restée au sol. [4] After Vader attacked and crippled Phoenix Cell and learned that his former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, was still alive and in league with the rebellion, the Emperor ordered Vader to dispatch another Inquisitor to hunt the rebels. Immediately upon arriving, Tarkin berated Minister Maketh Tua and Agent Kallus for their inability to stop the rebellion. There, the Inquisitor asked Leonis why he had tried to enter Area Null even though it was off-limits to Cadets. L'Inquisiteur parla longuement à Kanan, lui rappelant la mort de son maître Depa Billaba, et qu'il a lâchement fuit lors de l'Ordre 66. This left him susceptible to the pull of the dark side of the Force, and ultimately fell to the dark side. The Dark Lord of the Sith was able to prevent the Inquisitor's spirit from passing on, instead tying it down to a Jedi outpost on Tempes. Pau'an[1] He was able to plant an XX-23 S-thread tracker on their ship moments before they jumped to hyperspace. Maîtres Affiliation(s) Une rumeur concernant le fait que la maître Jedi Luminara Unduli était vivante en prison circulait, il s'en servit pour les attirer dans la Flèche de Spire, réputé imprenable. They then went to the Inquisitorius Headquarters in The Works to meet with the other Inquisitors. The Inquisitor looked on as Vader departed from the place that he could not, repeating to himself that there were things worse than death before fading away into darkness. [10] The Grand Inquisitor held some skill in Makashi, able to hold the upper hand against Kanan Jarrus twice whilst using the form before quickly defeating him. [4], As Kanan stood over his defeated foe, the Inquisitor looked up at him and told him that his defeat would unleash something far worse upon them all. The Pau'an along with his stormtroopers gave chase, and Jarrus was able to trick the Imperials into thinking he had fled Vyndal on one of their cruisers, causing them to chase after it and leave the planet in the other. 1m 98[8] The Inquisitor told Jarrus that he could not save his friends any more than he could save his Master because he feared his own power and did not even dare wear his lightsaber in public because of it. [27], The Grand Inquisitor was ordered by Darth Vader to hunt down the "children of the Force. I try to keep this pack updated all the time so it includes all worthwhile Star Wars addons on the Steam Workshop for Gmod. To ascertain his sister's fate, Zare enrolled at the Academy the following year. After Kallus left, Tarkin told the Inquisitor that this was his chance to redeem himself for his previous failures. The Grand Inquisitor duels Yeleb alongside the Jedi, Jarrus. Grand Inquisiteur[1] Sometime after the death of the Grand Inquisitor, Jarrus and Bridger traveled with Ahsoka Tano to the Jedi Temple on Lothal to seek the guidance of Jedi Master Yoda, with whom Jarrus and Bridger had communed with from there before. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith Book II: The Dying Light, The Secret Jedi: The Adventures of Kanan Jarrus: Rebel Leader, Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks, Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, Ultimate Sticker Collection: Star Wars Rebels, Note for Note: The Music of Star Wars Rebels, Rebels Recon: Inside "Always Two There Are", Rebels Recon: Inside "Shroud of Darkness", Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Entertainment Weekly's Ultimate Guide to Rogue One, Databank A-Z: E-11 Blaster–Cornelius Evazan, Databank A-Z: Imperial Future Council–Inquisitorius, Star Wars Super Graphic: A Visual Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, Databank A-Z: Queen Jamillia–Jedi Temples, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, Starfighter Aces: Grand Inquisitor – Supreme Jedi Hunter, Reaction: 'Star Wars Rebels' Season Finale [Non-Spoiler], And The Inquisitor's Past Revealed, Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy, Highlights of the 'Star Wars' Animation Panels at Dragon Con 2018, NYCC 2013: Meet the Inquisitor, the New Face of Evil in Star Wars Rebels, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Grand_Inquisitor?oldid=9602113, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. [2] At some point, he became a member of the Jedi Order and rose to the rank of Jedi Knight. [45], The character was revealed at New York Comic Con 2013 during a panel about the show, in which a video was shown introducing the Inquisitor as a Jedi hunter who would be a recurring antagonist for the heroes. 1.98 meters[6] After saluting each other, the Inquisitor and the Jedi resumed their duel. [18] In addition to using the weapon to unnerve his enemies, he wielded it in order to quickly and efficiently end combat with as little effort as was required. À la place, il fut recruté par Sidious pour devenir le dirigeant de l'Inquisitorius, un groupe d'adeptes du côté obscur chargé de traquer les Jedi survivants. Le Grand Inquisiteur est un personnage créé pour la première saison de la série animée Star Wars Rebels où il apparut dans l'épisode pilote "Prémices d'une Rébellion". En version originale, le Grand Inquisiteur a été doublé par Jason Isaacs. After losing his lightsaber in 3 ABY, Vader's own son Luke Skywalker encountered the Inquisitor's spirit on Tempes. [38], The Inquisitor was present in the Imperial Complex hangar when Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin arrived to investigate the situation on Lothal. After ordering Captain Roddance to leave the room, the Inquisitor told Leonis that he had arranged for the cadet to be transferred to the Arkanis Academy as a "reward" for his loyalty to the Empire. Kanan still refused to talk, so the Inquisitor changed tactics: he asked Kanan how he had survived Order 66. C'est pour cette raison que ce dernier décida d'envoyer Dark Vador en personne pour s'occuper des rebelles de Lothal. Ils échappèrent à Kallus en s'envolant dans leur vaisseau, mais l'Inquisiteur les prit en chasse avec un escadron de chasseurs TIE. The aspiring Jedi recognized that service to a greater good was worth dying for, and, with his new weapon, sliced off the spirit's hand and delivered a slash to his chest, causing the Inquisitor to disappear. This Jedi was Cal Kestis, who helped some guerrillas to attack an Imperial Refinery. Le Grand Inquisiteur Biographical information Homeworld Soon thereafter, the vision of the Grand Inquisitor moved to kill Bridger himself. Autres informations Quand Ezra et Kanan pénètrent dans la salle du réacteur central du croiseur, ils eurent la mauvaise surprise de découvrir l'Inquisiteur, les attendant. This comes with all the benefits of Le Creuset cast iron and a lid shaped like Han Solo, frozen in carbonite in Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Le Pau'an qui allait devenir le Grand Inquisiteur naquit sur la planète Utapau[1] au moins quinze ans avant la bataille de Naboo. Because Jedi relied on balanced emotions, the imbalance gave the Inquisitor an edge in combat. Sur le croiseur de Tarkin, l'Inquisiteur participa à l'interrogatoire et à la torture de Kanan Jarrus. While Zare was a promising cadet at the Academy for Young Imperials who had earned the glowing praise of his instructors, the Inquisitor suspected that Leonis was connected to Ezra Bridger and the other Lothal rebels. [21], In 14 BBY,[25] the Grand Inquisitor heard about a Jedi who caused problems for the Empire on Kashyyyk. One night when he went to the orphanage, he was confronted by a surviving Jedi, Kira Vantala, to which the Grand Inquisitor expressed his shock, believing her to be a weak Jedi. The future Grand Inquisitor was one of the Jedi Temple Guards who brought Barriss Offee before Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Rather than face the infamous wrath of Darth Vader for his repeated failures, the Grand Inquisitor chose to fall to his death. Mass Upon these words, the Inquisitor activated his lightsaber directly behind Aresko and Grint and triggered the spinning feature, decapitating the two officers as a horrified Tua and Kallus watched on. [34], Later, the Inquisitor visited the Arkanis Academy and landed at Area Null, a secluded tower in the Academy that hosted several top-secret Imperial projects including Project Harvester and Project Unity, the latter a program for re-educating former dissident youths. Kanan borrowed Ezra's lightsaber and attacked the Inquisitor. The Grand Inquisitor was the name adopted by a Pau'an male Jedi Knight who turned to the dark side of the Force and became the leader of the Inquisitorius, a band of Jedi hunters who served the Galactic Empire. Dark Sidious[7]Dark Vador[7] Jarrus fought the Inquisitor once more, but he was easily overwhelmed and knocked out. The Grand Inquisitor uses the Force to try to cause Jarrus to reveal what he knows about the rebels. While the Inquisitor was fully aware that Dhara had been abducted and forcibly inducted into Project Harvester, he repeated the official Imperial account that Dhara had merely run away. [18] At her end, Unduli was in the presence of the Inquisitor, who stood in the doorway of her cell as she walked into an execution chamber and died. Offer available at www.lecreuset.com and in Le Creuset Signature Stores while supplies last; not available in Le Creuset outlet stores. Pendant le procès, le chevalier Jedi Anakin Skywalker parvint à découvrir la duplicité d'Offee et à la faire arrêter. After Jarrus refused to fight any further, the Sentinel knighted Jarrus and told him he was a Jedi Knight as the Grand Inquisitor once was. [46] He wielded a double-bladed lightsaber,[1] which he used in multiple settings: single-bladed, double-bladed, as well as double-bladed with the blades spinning on the hilt. [33], Realizing they were being tracked, Jarrus and Bridger boarded the Phantom and ejected from the Ghost, flying it to Fort Anaxes. Tarkin gave orders for the tower to be destroyed before leaving with his prisoner.[39]. Star Wars Complete Collection A collection of various maps and models based on Star Wars. Pretending to be a "model" cadet, Leonis expressed gratitude at the opportunity to serve the Empire. However, the rest of the Rebels escaped. Once in the prison, the rebels fought their way through stormtroopers who were stationed there. Skin color Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Jarrus attacked the Inquisitor and the two engaged in lightsaber combat. Il servit l'Ordre en rejoignant les Gardes du Temple Jedi, un groupe de Jedi chargé de défendre le Temple Jedi sur Coruscant. He served as a formidable opponent to the young Luke Skywalker, although the boy was able to best him in combat. The Grand Inquisitor was a practitioner of the dark side of the Force and trained in lightsaber combat,[1] having learned to use and counter all seven forms recognized by the Jedi Order. [1] He studied the records of the Jedi Temple[18] to not only identify Jedi but also have an understanding of their combat forms and traditions. [7], In 0 BBY, shortly after Jarrus' own death, his confrontation with the Grand Inquisitor was heard among numerous voices by Bridger as he passed through a hyper tunnel while riding a Loth-wolf on his mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple.[43]. [45] At one point, the Inquisitor was designed as a Chagrian. Il est équipé d'un sabre laser. The Pau'an pleaded with Vader, begging to be set free from the curse the Sith Lord had bestowed upon him. At the end of the war, the Supreme Chancellor—secretly Darth Sidious, … STAR WARS Galaxy's Edge Disneyland LE Grand Opening Media Pin 2019 . He encountered these two Jedi on a number of occasions, including a Duel on Stygeon Prime and a duel on the asteroid base Fort Anaxes. [15], The Inquisitor came into the service of the Empire and the Sith, though he was not a Sith himself. After the Rebels struck the tower, Kallus and his troops intervened, surrounding the tower and forcing the Rebels to escape to the roof. Il rejoignit ensuite le pont du Relentless, où il rencontra l'amiral Kassius Konstantine qui suivait le mouchard collé sur le Phantom. As he was about to reach him, he activated the lightsaber's stun gun, surprising his opponent. Au cours de la Guerre des Clones, un attentat à la bombe fut perpétré contre le Temple Jedi. [36] Sloane once had a run-in with Jarrus on the planet Gorse, where Jarrus first met Captain Hera Syndulla and joined her rebel cause. When alarms went off, the Inquisitor was unsurprised to find that the other rebels had come to rescue their friend. [7] Unknown to Jarrus, this was a vision conjured by Yoda of the Grand Inquisitor, as the Jedi he once was. [18], A hologram of Luminara Unduli, taken as she looked up at the Inquisitor in the moments before her death, One such Jedi that the Inquisitor led to their death was Jedi Master Luminara Unduli. Kanan prit le sabre laser d'Ezra, tandis que celui-ci, quelques minutes plus tard, attira à lui grâce à la Force celui de Kanan, qui pendait à la ceinture de l'Inquisiteur, pour le plus grand plaisir de celui-ci, content d'avoir enfin un duel à la mesure de son talent. [7], Quelque temps après l'éradication de l'Ordre Jedi, le Grand Inquisiteur fut chargé de retourner dans le Temple Jedi et de pénétrer dans les Archives Jedi afin d'y trouver des éléments qui mènerait l'Inquisitorius sur la piste des Jedi survivants. With Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Domhnall Gleeson. He learned that these cadets were Dev Morgan—who, unknown to the Academy, was Bridger in disguise, who infiltrated the Academy to learn the location of a giant kyber crystal of great power—and Jai Kell. [17] During this time, Sidious recruited him to become Grand Inquisitor of the Inquisitorius. The Inquisitor informed Aresko that the incident was a black mark on the Academy's record, though he did have hope of learning more about the rebels, as Leonis was also present in the meeting. Pau'an[1] Masters The Ninth Sister told the Grand Inquisitor that Kestis would not have the courage to return to Kashyyyk, especially after the resistance was eliminated by the Empire. Jarrus asked what everything that had happened meant, and the Sentinel said that it meant Jarrus was now a Jedi Knight, as the Grand Inquisitor once was.