Adherence to Christian churches has declined considerably since the late 20th century, from close to 94% in 1980 to about 67% as of 2016. Pour cela, il faudra attendre la Statistique Suisse des Zones à Bâtir de 2022, qui sera publiée en 2023. [9], The total fertility rate is the number of children born per woman. Selon le scénario moyen, la population permanente du canton atteindra 382'000 résidents en 2040. Vous devez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour accéder à certaines fonctionnalités de cette page. In 2000, 5.78 million residents (79.2%, compared to 93.8% in 1980) were Christian (Roman Catholic 41.8%, Protestant 35.3%, Orthodox 1.8%). 2019 Suisse % des recettes agricoles brutes: Soutien aux producteurs (ESP) % des recettes agricoles brutes 2000-2019 Suisse (rouge), OCDE - Total (noir) Terres agricoles Indicateur: 1 087.00 Pâturages permanents Milliers d'hectares ... Suisse (rouge) Population en surpoids ou obèse Indicateur: Issues Transportation Ranks P h o t o s. Read articles about travel to Switzerland. Cedar City added almost 6,000 new residents in that time for a … Il s'agit donc d'estimations de population provisoires pour les années 2018, 2019 et 2020. In 2019 the population of Switzerland was 8,574,000 and the average age increased from 34.5 in 1960 to 42.4. Ce taux est inférieur à la moyenne suisse 2019 (+0.7%). Chiffres-clés annuels de la population, 1981-2019. (p) populations 2018, 2019, 2020, état civil 2019, soldes migratoires 2017, 2018, 2019 : résultats provisoires à fin 2019. nd : non disponible. As of 2019, foreign residents in the country make up 25.2% of the population.[1]. Cette croyance reste la plus partagée au sein de la population, mais a tendance à reculer: elle est passée de 46% en 2014 à 40% en 2019. The city is also a banking center but most known as the center for diplomacy with many UN agencies in the city. Area 41,277 SQ.KM. [17], According to statistics released by the federal government in 2019, life expectancy stands at 81.9 years for men and 85.6 years for women, for an overall average of 83.8 years for the populace as a whole. Source (1) : Pour plus de détails sur l'évolution de la population mondiale, cliquez ici This year's Global wealth report 2020 examines the impact of the outbreak on wealth and the distribution of wealth. 4,200 were from Italy, 3,600 from Turkey, 1,600 from Sri Lanka, 1,200 from Portugal, and 1,200 from France. Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Neuchâtel, 2019. with the exceptions of the censuses of 1888 and 1941. Hors Brexit, la population de l'UE a augmenté de 0,9 millions d'habitants. Tamil refugees fleeing from war in Sri Lanka are the largest number of Asians, while Albanians and former Yugoslavians continue to grow in number. The 2005 Eurobarometer poll[30] found 48% of Swiss residents to be theist, 39% expressing belief in "some sort of spirit or life force", 9% atheist and 4% said that they "don't know". Champ : France métropolitaine; Source : Insee, estimations de population et statistiques de l'état civil [clarification needed], The following table shows the historical development of naturalization from selected countries. OBSAN BULLETIN 7/2019 Pensées suicidaires et tentatives de suicide dans la population suisse La prévention du suicide représente un défi global. These churches, and in some cantons also the Old Catholic Church and Jewish congregations, are financed by official taxation of adherents.[29]. Population 8,516,543. Switzerland is also the second largest European country in number of acceptance of Iraqi refugees fleeing from the violence in Iraq since 2003, but behind Great Britain, Germany and Sweden in the number of Iraqis taken residence for a European country. Les démarches allant dans le sens du développement personnel se multiplient également (de 21% à 23%). Estimated Population 2020-2050 To the east and south of the Jungfrau is the Aletsch Glacier, clearly marked by dark medial moraines extending along the glacier's length parallel to the valley axis. 57.3% of convictions were for traffic offences. Pour les années suivantes, cette estimation est actualisée à partir des statistiques d'état civil et d'une estimation du solde migratoire. Global wealth grew during the past year, but at a very modest pace. Those aged 25 to 44 were 58.4% Christian (33.1% Roman Catholic, 18.7% Reformed, 6.7% other), 31.0% unaffiliated, 0.2% Jewish, 7.5% Muslim, 1.7% other religions. 3 | P a g e Les mouvements de la population en 2019 : Mouvements naturels (A) : 577 Naissances: 1.219 Décès: 642 Mouvements migratoires (B) : 2.521 Arrivées d'une commune luxembourgeoise: 4.382 Arrivées de l'étranger: 14.467 Quartal 2019", "Life expectancy - Federal Statistical Office", "Bevölkerungsbestand am Ende des 1. La population de la Suisse a atteint 8'603'900 habitants à fin 2019, soit une hausse de 0,7% par rapport à l'année précédente. [27], Religion in Switzerland (population age 15+, 2016)[28], Switzerland as a federal state has no state religion, though most of the cantons (except for Geneva and Neuchâtel) recognize official churches (Landeskirchen), in all cases including the Roman Catholic Church and the Swiss Reformed Church. For these and many other reasons, such as the four languages, it serves as an excellent test market for businesses hoping to introduce new products into Europe. En 2019, 24% de la population est concernée, contre 19% en 2014. Older adults (45 to 64 years old) were 67.0% Christian (37.7% Roman Catholic, 23.9% Reformed, 5.5% other), 25.9% unaffiliated, 0.2% Jewish, 4.2% Muslim, 1.5% other religions. ... L'OEIL DE LA GENÈVE INTERNATIONALE. Suisse : population active 2010-2020 Publié par Statista Research Department , 9 août 2019 Switzerland's 13 institutes of higher learning enrolled 99,600 students in the academic year of 2001-02. ), accommodation data (surface area, amount of rent paid, etc.) [34], The police registered a total of 553,421 criminal offences in 2009, including 51 killings and 185 attempted murders. [12][13][11], As population growth curbs, the percentage of elderly people increases. L'estimation de population au 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017 est donc définitive. 24.9% unaffiliated, 3 /4 INFORMATIONS STATISTIQUES N° 6 – MARS 2019 ILAN T TAT LA POPULATION U ANTON N N 201 3 Les immigrés étrangers dont le motif de séjour n’est pas connu sont écartés de l’analyse. La population de la Suisse a continué d’augmenter et de vieillir en 2019 Office fédéral de la statistique Neuchâtel, 09.04.2020 - À fin 2019, la population de la Suisse a atteint 8 603 900 habitants, soit 59 400 personnes (+0,7%) de plus qu’en 2018. Country Report 2017 - Includes Switzerland real Gross Domestic Product growth rate, with latest forecasts and historical data, GDP per capita, GDP composition and breakdown by sector. 1.4% other religions. The annual growth rate is expected to get as low as 0.28% by 2050. Diversity and coexistence in Switzerland The survey aims to present a picture of the issues raised by the coexistence of different groups currently living in Switzerland. In 2007 the population grew at a much higher 1.1% rate, again mostly due to immigration. To view certain features on this website, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser. Cette fonctionnalité est spécialement dédiée aux personnes daltoniennes. All other languages totaled 640,000. Urban population has increased from 5,267,636 (73.3%) in 2000 to 6,426,000 (74.4%) in the current year. Une autre possibilité nous est offerte par le service GEOSTAT de l’OFS. During this same period, projections say that the population of Switzerland will be 8.670.535 in 2020, 9,203,908 by 2030, 9,586,938 by 2040, and 9,879,901 by 2050. Region Median wealth per adult Mean wealth per adult Adult population (thousands) Northern America (Canada and United States) 69,162 417,694 274,381 Europe: 24,742 … Mean wealth of adult population in Singapore 2014-2019 Number of adults with wealth exceeding 100,000 U.S. dollars Malaysia 2014-2019 Distribution of adults Australia 2019, by wealth range Notes. It is based on fairly good data for the entire period. Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2019: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Collected data includes population data (citizenship, place of residence, place of birth, position in household, number of children, religion, languages, education, profession, place of work, etc. The total population in Switzerland was estimated at 8.5 million people in 2019, according to the latest census figures. 310,800 (4.3%) were Muslim (compared to 0.9% in 1980), 17,900 (0.2%) were Jewish. [28], The Federal Statistical Office reported the religious demographics as of 2016 as follows (based on the resident population age 15 years and older): The numbers behind our map come from the 2019 Global Wealth Databook by Credit Suisse. En Suisse, environ 1000 personnes se sont suicidées en 2016 (sans compter les suicides assistés; par habitant. The GDP value of Switzerland represents 0.58 percent of the world economy. Statistique annuelle de la population vaudoise au 31.12.2019 Tableau en format pdf Tableau en format xls Tableaux population : communes, districts, régions Tableaux population : Vaud Mise à … [1] Its population quadrupled over the period 1800 to 1990 (average doubling time 95 years). The survey aims to present a picture of the issues raised by the coexistence of different groups currently living in Switzerland. Une croissance des hectares habités désormais réduite au cinquième de celle de la population. Pendant les neuf premiers mois de l’année 2019, l’immigration comptabilisée dans la population résidante permanente est restée globalement stable comparativement à la même période de l’année dernière (-0,1 %, -91 personnes). The Switzerland Population (Live) counter shows a continuously updated estimate of the current population of Switzerland delivered by Worldometer's RTS algorithm, which processes data collected from the United Nations Population Division.. These students were taught by 74,501 teachers (66.3% female) in 6,083 schools, of which 614 were private. For 2008, the population grew 1.6%, a level not seen since the early 1960s. Credit Suisse Annual Wealth Report According to the CIA World Factbook data for 2003, 99% of the Swiss population aged 15 and over could read and write, with the rate being identical for both sexes. SVG, Swiss Traffic Regulations). During this same period, projections say that the population of Switzerland will be 8.670.535 in 2020, 9,203,908 by 2030, 9,586,938 by 2040, and 9,879,901 by 2050. La population de la Suisse en 2019 Découvrez comment la population de la Suisse est passée de 2,4 millions d’habitants en 1850 à 8,6 millions aujourd’hui. The first reference day for the new census was 31 December 2010. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Switzerland was worth 703.08 billion US dollars in 2019, according to official data from the World Bank and projections from Trading Economics. Further information about the population structure: This is an increase of 1.16 % (100,370 people) compared to population of 8,645,115 the year before. A la fin du mois de septembre 2019, 2 101 915 personnes étrangères résidaient en Suisse. The upper secondary school system had 337,145 students (46.9% female). The U.S. has the highest millionaire population, with 18.61 million individuals with 675,000 added since last year. Switzerland's population in 2019 Discover how the population of Switzerland has grown from 2.4 millions in 1850 to 8.6 millions today. Vaccination contre les papillomavirus humains (HPV) Le vaccin 9-valent contre les HPV est recommandé de-puis le 1er janvier 2019 quelle que soit la recommanda-tion … La population étrangère représente un peu plus du 50 % de la population totale. (100%: 6,981,381, registered resident population age 15 years and older). C’est le nombre d’habitants de la Suisse à la fin de l’année 2018. Les élections fédérales suisses de 2019 pour la 51 e législature de l'Assemblée fédérale suisse ont lieu le 20 octobre 2019 afin de renouveler les 200 sièges du Conseil national et les 45 des 46 sièges du Conseil des États.Pour plusieurs sièges de ce dernier, des second tours ont lieu, étalés sur le … They were taught by 37,546 teachers (32.8% female) in 367 schools. Looking back, in the year of 1960, Switzerland had a population of 5.3 million people. [24], Foreign population by country of citizenship as of 2019:[25]. The following chart shows permanent resident numbers from selected regions and countries every 5 years. Il faut noter qu’une partie importante d’étrangers sont nés en Suisse et y vivent, pour certains, depuis de … Les projections sont actualisées à intervalle d'environ 5 ans. 5. Switzerland had a population of 8.57 million as of mid-2019. Chiffres-cles_Population_1981-2019.xls [6] The census is now being conducted by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, which makes most results available on its website. Senior citizens (over 65) were 81.3% Christian (40.3% Roman Catholic, 36.2% Reformed, 4.8% other), 14.9% unaffiliated, 0.3% Jewish, 1.1% Muslim, 0.5% other religions. About a third of those naturalized are from a successor state of Former Yugoslavia: 7,900 Serbia-Montenegro, 2,400 Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2,000 North Macedonia, 1,600 Croatia. These students were taught by 13,592 teachers (96.0% female) in 4,949 schools, of which 301 were private schools. In 2004, 623,100 Swiss citizens (8.9%) lived abroad, the largest group in France (166,200), followed by the USA (71,400) and Germany (70,500). List of countries by immigrant population, "Bevölkerungsbestand am Ende des 2. Palmarès de l'indicateur de développement humain (IDH). In Iron County, between 2010 and 2019, the whole county saw increases in estimated population. [38] Each class of crime references the relevant section of the Strafgesetzbuch (Criminal Code, abbreviated as StGB in German), or Betäubungsmittelgesetz (abbr. Currently, 74.0 % of the population of Switzerland is urban (6,357,099 people in 2019) Population Density The 2019 population density in Switzerland is 217 people per Km 2 (563 people per mi 2 ), calculated on a total land area of 39,516 Km2 (15,257 sq. 25/10/2019 By Le News According to a recent report by the bank Credit Suisse, the Swiss are worth more on average than the residents of any other nation. All press releases on the topic Population, Age, civil status, nationality, households, population change, spatial distribution, Population scenarios 2020-2050: national and cantonal projections, household projections, Births and fertility, deaths and mortality, first names of newborns and population, adoptions, life expectancy, Foreign population, place of birth, migration status, international migration, acquisition of citizenship, integration, diversity and coexistence, Swiss living abroad, Marriages and nuptiality, divorces and divortiality, registered and dissolved partnerships, Distribution of national languages and religious landscape in Switzerland, Ageing factors and centenarians in Switzerland. Data journalist covering technological, societal and media topics There were an estimated 46.8 million people with a fortune of $1 million plus around the world in … This page provides - Switzerland Population - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. Environ 800 000 personnes mettent chaque année fin à leurs jours dans le monde (OMS, 2018). Only a small proportion of the population (about 5%) are surveyed in writing or by telephone. Overview of Switzerland. (see Swiss diaspora). Au 1erjanvier 2020, la population de l'Union européenne à 27 États membres comptait 447,7 millions d'habitants selon Eurostat, soit une baisse de 12,8 % par rapport à 2019 où l'Union européenne à 28 États membres avec le Royaume-Uni, comptait 513,5 millions de personnes. Of these, 1.65 million resident foreigners (85.0%, or 20.2% of the 8.14 Million total population[21][22]), had European citizenship (Italian: 298,875; German: 292,291; Portuguese: 253,227; French: 110,103; Serbian: 90,704; Kosovan: 86,976; Spanish: 75,333, Macedonian: 62,633; British: 40,898; Austrian: 39,494; Bosnian and Herzegovinian: 33,002; Croatian: 30,471). The Federal Population Census (German: Eidgenössische Volkszählung, French: Recensement fédéral de la population, Italian: Censimento federale della popolazione, Romansh: Dumbraziun federala dal pievel) has been carried out every 10 years starting in 1850. Geneva is the second most populated city with 177,500 French-speaking Swiss citizens. Explanation: Cantons and districts in the boundaries of December 2019. The total population in Switzerland was estimated at 8.5 million people in 2019, according to the latest census figures. Geneva. Suisse: 8 606 033 86 172 67 780 ... World Population prospects: The 2019 revision ; Tous les pays du monde (Ined 2019). 10% of the population natively speak an immigrant language. 0.3% Jewish, Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) Il y a 104 habitants à Suisse en 2020, la population légale officielle de Suisse est cependant de 103 habitants car le dernier chiffre officiel date du 31/12/2016 (populations légales de 2017, 2018, 2019 identiques).Le nombre d'habitants pour 2020 est calculé à partir du taux d'évolution moyen annuel de 0.4% (2011-2016 source INSEE). Comme cinq ans auparavant, un quart de la population déclare toujours ne croire ni en un Dieu unique, ni en plusieurs … 90 years. The population change in Switzerland has been declining since 1995 and that is expected to continue. In 2004, 35,700 people acquired Swiss citizenship according to Swiss nationality law, a figure slightly larger than that of the previous year (35,424), and four times larger than the 1990 figure (8,658). Cedar City added almost 6,000 new residents in that time for a …, FDFA: Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, FDHA: Federal Department of Home Affairs, FDJP: Federal Department of Justice and Police, DDPS: Federal Department of Defence Civil Protection and Sport, EAER: Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, DETEC: Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, FSVO: Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, MeteoSwiss: Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, Swissmedic: Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, FOGE: Federal Office for Gender Equality, Marriages, registered partnerships, divorces, 16 - Culture, media, information society, sport, 20 - Economic and social situation of the population, Economic and Financial Data for Switzerland. [32], Almost all Swiss are literate. Tableau 1 : Population, quelques chiffres clés en 2019 Neuchâtel et Suisse Neuchâtel Suisse Population résidante totale 176 328 8 606 033 Évolution annuelle de la population (en %) -0.22 % 1.2 % Sexe Femmes 51.0 % 50.4 % Hommes 49.0 % 49.6 % Origine Suisses 74.8 % 74.7 % Étrangers 25.2 % 25.3 % Structure par âge 0 à 14 ans 15.4 % 15.0 % In the later 20th century, the growth rate has fallen below 0.7% (1980s: 0.64%; 1990s: 0.65%), and in the 2000s it has risen again slightly (2000–2006: 0.69%), mostly due to immigration. Read our methodology to see how the scores and rankings were calculated. For our full range please consult our pages in French and German (top right hand screen). Statistiques sur l’immigration, juin 2019 / 1er semestre 2019 (PDF, 1 MB, 13.07.2020) 2018 Statistiques sur l'immigration, novembre 2018 (PDF, 1 MB, 13.07.2020) Une croissance de 0,7%, selon les résultats provisoires de la statistique de la population et des ménages de l’Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS). ), Natural population growth for January–September 2019 =, Natural population growth for January–September 2020 =, This page was last edited on 21 November 2020, at 18:44. Introduction History Geography Government Maps Leaders Population Flags Religion Economy Climate Energy Weather Data Military Communicatns Intl. Published by F. Norrestad, Nov 9, 2020 The total wealth of Europe's entire adult population in the first half of 2019 amounted to over 90 trillion U.S. dollars.